Did You Know That Ron Guidry...
Monday, May 18, 2009
, Posted by Gator Guy at 10:13 AM
...is the only American League pitcher to win consecutive ERA titles and be rejected by the Hall of Fame? Did you know that he is the only pitcher since WW II - A.L. or N.L. - to win consecutive ERA titles and be rejected by the Hall?
Christy Mathewson, Pete Alexander, Ray Kremer, Carl Hubbell, Bucky Walters, Sandy Koufax, Tom Seaver, Gred Maddux and Randy Johnson are the only N.L. pitchers to win consecutive ERA titles, and all but Kremer and Walters are either in the Hall or are surefire bets to be first-ballot inductees.

Just something for the Veterans Committee to consider.
Above Photo: Walter Johnson
Right Photo: Grover "Pete" Alexander
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